Houses of Glory | Book
Houses of Glory | Prophetic Strategies For Entering The New Era
Supernatural strategies and Heavenly blueprints to become a resting place for God's glory.
As waves of global crises continue to shake the earth, those filled with the Holy Spirit must stand as unshakable beacons of God's glory in a dark world. Are you ready for the task?
Charged to release prophetic words about God's coming, cleansing work in the Church, respected prophet and bestselling author, Jeremiah Johnson offers a challenging call to become all you were made to be-a vessel to carry God's glory to the world!
In this latest work, Jeremiah's prophetic voice and pastor's heart resound together, ringing out a message of challenge and hope to the entire Church, and to you.
In this timely prophetic word, you will learn how to:
- Awaken the pioneering spirit in you that has been dormant or silenced by religion.
- Cultivate an "Upper Room" DNA in your life, organization, family, and church.
- Take your place in the "fivefold ministry," both within and outside of the church.
- Operate in the Holy Spirit strategies from 1 Corinthians 14, needed now more than ever.
- Get a prophetic vision for what God is doing in the Earth.
Join in God's supernatural building project and awaken to the call to be a house for God's glory!
Jeremiah Johnson’s book Houses of Glory is both a refreshing and a convicting read. My heart leapt as I envisioned the Houses of Glory that Jeremiah prophesied regarding. My spirit releases a hearty, resounding “Yes” to the Lord, and I know you will too. And as always, Jeremiah presents thought-provoking communication that invites all who read to deeply seek and inquire of the Lord. Patricia King Minister, author, television host |
Fair warning, if you’re looking for an ear tickler, this is not it! Jeremiah Johnson’s latest book, Houses of Glory, boldly confronts the systematic dysfunction that has often hindered the Body of Christ. It is especially relevant for those of us that are ministers and leaders in the church. If you will humble yourself and allow the Holy Spirit to speak through these pages, I believe you will be convicted, provoked, and ultimately greatly encouraged to fulfill your calling and live a life worthy of it. Evangelist Daniel Kolenda Christ for All Nations President/CEO |
I believe we are in the midst of one of the most significant transitions in human history, and it’s one that will culminate with the return of our King Jesus. God is shaking everything that can be shaken and is calling us to build in such a way that isn’t destroyed by the increasing glory and shaking. Wineskins are changing. Structures are changing, and the Holy Spirit is shouting to the Church to “wake up” and come into alignment with what heaven is doing. This is why I am so grateful for this book. In an hour where many are declaring everything is going to be fine, God is raising up prophetic voices like Jeremiah to call us prepare both individually and corporately for what is coming. Houses of Glory is a gift to the church in this hour, and I believe it has the potential to shift us and prepare us to thrive in the midst of the coming Glory and Shaking. Corey Russell Author and Speaker Author of Glory Within and Teach Us to Pray |
What you hold in your hand is a book that carries incredible wisdom for this new era. Jeremiah has penned in these pages keys that are crucial for the Body of Christ in navigating and understanding this new era. These pages are dripping with the anointing that brings truth, revelation, purity, alignment, direction, clarity, hope, and faith to position you and prepare you for the days we are in. This is a “keep going back to” book for this new era. What a gift this book is to the Church! Lana Vawser Lana Vawser Ministries Author of The Prophetic Voice of God, A Time to Selah, and I Hear the Lord Say New Era |
We are living in one of the most unique times in human history. Never has there been a greater need for a clear prophetic message to come from the church than at the present moment. God is raising up a new breed of pro- phetic ministry that will prophesy truth without regard for the intimidations of men nor the oppressions of the enemy. Jeremiah Johnson is one such voice. In his book, Houses of Glory: Prophetic Strategies for Entering the New Era, he emphasizes many of the important issues rele- vant for our day including the great need for a pioneering anointing to be released to lead us into the long foretold new day. I believe those that read this book will gain valu- able insight into God’s heart for this hour and a greater ability to position themselves for this new journey in God. Paul Keith Davis WhiteDove Ministries |